Software Testing Life Cycle(STLC)

 Software Testing Life Cycle


1. What is STLC

  • STLC is collection of different activities which is performed in sequence during the testing process to ensure software quality.​
  • We can say software testing is not just a single process , but it’s a sequence of activities that we need to perform for our product quality testing.​
  • STLC includes both verification and validation.​
  • In verification we need to check that software is built as per the requirements or not.​
  • In validation we need to check that software fulfill the customer's exact needs or not.​

2. STLC phases

       STLC mainly consist of 6 phases​

  • Requirement Analysis​
  • Test Planning ​
  • Test case designing​
  • Test Environment setup​
  • Test Execution​
  • Test closure

3. Requirement Analysis

  • This is the stage where SRS(Software requirement specification) document will be given to QA team.
  • QA team will analyze the requirement and identify the testable requirements.​
  • If any requirement is not testable then QA team will interact with various stakeholders.
  • In this stage QA team will interact with different team members and stakeholders to understand the requirement properly.​
  • Entry Criteria : BRS (Business Requirement Specification) document.
  • Exit Criteria : List of all testable requirements , Automation feasibility Report​

4. Test Planning ​

  • In this phase QA manager / QA lead determines the testing strategy which includes efforts and cost estimation for the entire project.​
  • Test plan will be prepared and finalized in this phase.​
  • Testing tool selection and test efforts estimation will be done in this phase​
  • Resource planning and determination of roles and responsibilities will be done in this phase.​
  • Entry Criteria : Requirements documents​
  • Exit Criteria : Testing strategy , Test planning and test efforts estimation documents

5. Test case designing​

  • In this stage Testing team will start test case development.​
  • In this stage tester will prepare test cases , test scripts and testing data.​
  • Once test case writing is done its reviewed by the test lead , if there is any changes is required then tester will rework on the testcase and complete it based on given changes.​
  • In this stage Requirement Traceability Matrix is also prepared. RTM traces the requirement to the written testcases that are needed to verify whether the requirement are fulfilled or not.​
  • Entry Criteria : Requirement Documents( Updated version of missing requirement )​
  • Exit Criteria : Test case , test script , Test data.​

6. Test Environment setup​

  • In this stage will decide the hardware and software condition under which the product is to be tested.​
  • Test team may not be involved in this step if development team or customer will provide the environment.​
  • Meanwhile testing team need to do the smoke testing of the given environment to check readiness of given test environment​
  • Entry Criteria : Test plan , smoke test cases , Test Data​
  • Exit Criteria : Test Environment , Smoke test result 

7. Test Execution
  • In this stage testing team will start executing testcases written in testcase designing step.​
  • If any testcase will be failed while test execution then tester will update it in the testcase sheet​
  • In this stage bug document will be prepared for the failed testcases and all the bugs should be reported to the development team through bug document or the bug reporting tool (ex. JIRA)​
  • Once bug fixing is done tester need to retest the testcases.​
  • Entry Criteria : Test plan , Test cases , Test data , Test Environment.​
  • Exit Criteria : Test case execution report , Bug report ​

8. Test closure

  • This stage is the final stage which includes activities like test completion matrices , test completion reporting and test results.​
  • In this stage testing team will meet and analyze the strategies that to be implemented in the future for the testing purpose. Which will help to improve the testing process.​
  • Evaluate cycle completion criteria based on Time , cost , Quality , Test coverage and create test matrices based on this parameters.​
  • Test result analysis will be done in this stage to find out the defect distribution based on type and severity.​
  • Entry Criteria : Test case execution report , Bug report​
  • Exit Criteria: Test closure report , Test matrices​
    - Hina Murdhani.


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